DSE歷史科2016 試題建議答案 ESSAY Q2
efforts in China had different programmes to achieve similar aims.’ Do you
agree? Explain your view with reference to any two modernisation efforts of
China in the 20th century.
1) 短評
- 留意「目標」(aims) 不等如「成效」(Effectiveness)。例如目標是「促進經濟」(Improve economic development),但最終不一定成功。同時,目標不存在「正面」或「負面」,例如政治上的目標是鞏固政權也可。
- 如果所回答的目標與現代化有關,在回答不同方面的現代化計劃時應先定義何謂現代化。
2) 答題格式
立場: 同意 à 本文選取南京政府改革 (modernization effort of Nanjing government) 以及改革開放 (Reform and opening-up) 作為討論的計劃。
經濟: 促進經濟發展
南京政府改革: 如何旨在促進經濟發展?
改革開放: 如何旨在促進經濟發展?
政治: 鞏固政權
南京政府改革: 如何旨在鞏固政權?
改革開放: 如何旨在鞏固政權?
社會: 改善人民生治
南京政府改革: 如何旨在改善人民生治?
改革開放: 如何旨在改善人民生治?
3) 簡短答題方向 (本文選取經濟部分作為例子,其餘方面可按照同一格式)
Nanjing government reform and Reform and opening-up also aims to boost economic
development by improving the development of agriculture, industry and
南京政府改革 (Nanjing government reform)
改革開放 (Reform and opening-up)
南京政府大力資助工商業發展,在1928年成立鐵道部完善中國的鐵道規劃及運輸系統,同時改革貨幣制度,在1933年以銀元取代銀兩,1935年將白銀國有化以穩定新貨幣的價格,配合工商業的發展。 (Nanjing government hugely
supported the development of industry and
commerce. For example, it established Ministry of Railways in 1928 to improve
the telecommunication and line systems. At the same time, it abolished the
teal and substituted with silver dollar in 1933 and nationalized silver in
1935 to stabilize the price of the currency to support the economic
同時,南京政府致力鼓勵民間創業,例如在1933年成立「中國國貨公司」,舉行國貨展覽鼓勵人民購買。同時資助企業發展,使輕工業及重工業等工業設備在1928-1937年間總入口達到五億元。1926-1936年中國國民增長更達到8.3%。 (Nanjing government also aims to encourage citizens to set
up their own business. For example, it established China Merchandise Corp. in
1933 to organize exhibition to encourage people support China-made products.
It also supported the development of heavy and light industry which made the
total importation of industrial equipment reached as high as $500 million.
From 1926 to 1936, national growth reached 8.3%)
鄧小平自1978年起實行「農業承包制」,農民可保留向政府繳納的收成後剩餘的產物,此農民的生產積極性大增。1978-1984年間糧食總量總共增加了49%。同時,鄧小平積極鼓勵農民成立鄉鎮企業,把農業的剩餘勞動力轉向工業發展,鄉鎮企業由1978年的約150萬個增加至1990年1850萬個。(Deng Xiaopang has implemented
‘household responsibility system’ since 1978. Peasants could remain the rest
of crops after they contributed to the government. At the same time, Deng
encouraged the peasants to set up township enterprises to release the surplus
production power in agriculture to improve industry development. Township
enterprises increased from 150 million in 1978 to 1850 million in 1990.
而且,改革開放強調先讓一部分富有起來,在沿海地區建立「經濟特區」,提供優惠給外商吸引他們投資,例如稅務優惠及提供平價土地。一些沿海地區,例如上海,天津及深圳等因吸納了外國的資本及技術而大大加速了經濟發展。(Moreover, reform and opening-up
aims to let some regions and people get prosper before others. It established
Special Economic Zones in coastal, providing benefits to attract foreign
investment such as tax reduction and lower land costs. Some coastal regions
such as Shanghai, Tianjin and Shenzhen hugely enhanced the production after
absorbing the foreign technology and capital.)