
DSE歷史科2016 試題建議答案 ESSAY Q1

DSE歷史科2016 試題建議答案 ESSAY Q1

To what extent was the political development of Hong Kong in the period 1967-97 a result of the China factor? Explain your view.

1) 短評

  • 類似題形曾於HKALEHKDSE sample paper出現,例如HKDSE sameple paper Q.5以阿衝突在什麼程度上是由種族因素引起的? (To what extent were Israeli-Arab conflicts caused by the racial factor?
  • 題目與相對重要性題目相似,同學仔必須額外指出「其他因素」與題目給予的「中國因素」(China factor)進行比較從而判斷「中國因素」的重要性

2)   答題架式
  1. 中國如何影響香港的政治發展?
  2. 舉出「其他因素」與中國因素進行比較從而引證「中國因素」的重要性。

  • 中國自1984年與英國簽訂「中英聯合聲明」後規定中國於199771日收回香港主權,並確立了「港人治港」,「一國兩制」等重要原則促使英國政府推行代議政制,培養香港政治人才達成港人治港的方向。China stated that it would resume sovereignty over Hong Kong on 1 July 1997 and signed Sino-British Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong with Britain. In order to implement ‘Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong’ and ‘One country, two systems’, British government then implemented representative government and election system in the central level.
  • 其後引伸的政治改革,例如:1991年舉行首次直接選舉,18位議員由地區選出,而功課組別亦增加至21位等…(自行列出英國的政治改革) The following political reforms implemented by government. For example, in 1991, the Legislative Council implemented the first direct election, 18 seats were directly elected by 9 geographical constituencies. Functional constituencies increased to 21 seats.

  • 大量政黨成立,例如民協於1986年成立,民建聯成立於1992以及民主黨成立於1994年等。他們代表香港市民廣泛民意,要求政制民主化,包括地區及立法會。這些民意令港府逐步放寬政治權。More local Hong Kong political parties were set up and elected. For example, The Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong (DAB) was established in 1992, The Liberal Party was set up in 1993, The Democratic Party was set up in 1994. They represented most of the Hong Kong’s people’s voices and monitor the government’s policy.
  • 比較真正主導香港政治發展的因素是中國,而政黨影響力遠不及中國。例如1995年立法會未能有效過渡到1997年,而另外成立臨時立法會。即使當時有很多政黨反對,例如民協,民主黨等,但仍未能阻止成立臨時主法會。China always oriented the political development of Hong Kong, especially after 1997, Hong Kong political parties only had a few influences and they cannot violate the order from China. For example, Beijing proclaimed that it did not recognize the results of the Legislative Council election in 1995.Then all members elected ‘get off the train’ on 30 June 1997. It showed that China actually oriented the political development of Hong Kong.

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答題技巧精讀補習班:  http://johnnymahistory.blogspot.hk/2012/04/hkdse.html

