
DSE歷史科2016 試題建議答案 ESSAY Q3

【DSE歷史科2016 試題建議答案 ESSAY Q3】


Select any two Southeast Asia countries, and compare the ways by which they achieved independence.

(1) 短評

  • 東南亞課題一直是同學仔最無視的課題,但往往出題一般比較容易,但估計2017年出題機會十分細
  • 「比較」應指出兩者的「相同」及「不同」之處,討論兩個東南亞國家的實現獨立方法的相同及不同之處
 (2) 答題格式

 引言: 本文選取XXYY兩個東南亞國家進行討論
ƒ XXYY實現獨立上有何相同之處?

(3) 簡短答題方向 (本文選取越南及馬來亞兩個國家進行討論,探討她們達致獨立的相同及不同之處)
(Vietnam achieved independence mainly through conflicts and war with Japan during the Second World War, which is the different with Indonesia, which tried to work out with Japan to achieve independence.)
印度尼西亞 (Indonesia)
·  早於1941年,越南獨立領袖胡志明便成立越南獨立聯盟與中國合作,向日本開戰,在日本投降後越南獨立聯盟便宣佈成立佔領河內,建立越南民主共和國,宣佈獨立。
   (Ho Chi Minh set up the League for the independence of Vietnam and cooperated with China to have war with Japan to achieve independence. After Japan surrendered in Second World War, he took power in Hanoi and declared independence and founding of Democratic Republic of Vietnam.)
·  與越南不同,日本在佔領印度尼西亞後當地並沒有出現大規模反抗,而一些民族領袖例如蘇加諾等與日本合作,逐步達成獨立。太平洋戰爭後日本宣佈印尼獨立方案。在日本投降後蘇加諾宣佈印尼獨立,成立印尼共和國。(Indonesia is different with Vietnam. There were no major conflicts after Japan occupied Indonesia. Some of the nationalist leaders such as Sukarno tried to cooperate with Japan to achieve independence. After the Pacific War, Japan introduced the plan for Indonesia independence. Sukarno declared the founding of Republic of Indonesia after Japan surrendered in Second World War.)

(Vietnam achieved independence mainly through conflicts and war with France, which is the same with Indonesia.)
印度尼西亞 (Indonesia)
·  在越南獨立聯盟便宣佈成立越南民主共和國後,法國不願放棄其殖民利益,雙方於是爆發第一次印度支那戰爭。1954年越南重挫法國,並借同年的日內瓦會議召開期間爭取獨立並取得成功。以北緯十七度為界分成南北越兩個政權。
   (France was hugely unsatisfied with the independence of Vietnam, which leaded to the outbreak of the First IndoChina War in 1946. Vietnam defeated France in 1954 and fought for independence in Geneva Conference. Both of them achieved the agreement to separate the north and south of Vietnam. North Vietnam was controlled by Communist Party and South Vietnam was controlled by the Republic of Vietnam.
·  荷蘭同樣十分不滿印度尼西亞的獨立方案,因而爆發衝突。荷蘭雖然曾於1947年與印度尼西亞簽訂協議把權力交回印度尼西亞,但卻沒有實行。1948年印度尼西亞人民發起暴動,荷蘭因而發起兩次「警察行動」鎮壓,雙方發生激烈衝突。其後因國際壓力荷蘭於1949年與印尼簽訂《海牙協議》,放棄管治權。(Dutch was hugely unsatisfied with the independence of Indonesia and leaded to conflicts. Although Netherlands reached agreement with Indonesia to transfer the power to them in 1947, she did not fulfil. Therefore, revolt was held in 1948 and Netherlands initiated two ‘Police action’ to suppress the revolt. Finally, Netherlands reached Hague Agreement with Indonesia to give up control under international pressure. Therefore, both of Vietnam and Indonesia achieved independence through conflicts and war with their colonial rulers after WWII.)


