Japan study plan
1900s-1920s Japan’s early 20th century situation: FIs it
a modernized country in different aspects?
HKDSE 2012: To what extent was Japan modernized by the late 1920s?
Explain your answer.
1930s Rise of militarism /
Failure of party politics: FRelative importance of the factors
HKDSE Sample paper: Do you agree that
militarism harmed rather than benefited Japan up to 1945? Explain your answer
HKDSE 2015: Why did militarism rise in Japan in the 1930s but not
earlier? Justify your view.
HKALE 2003: Examine how Japanese militarism in the 1930s affected the
course of Japanese history up to 1945.
HKALE 2004: To what extent was the ascendancy of militarism in Japan in
the early 1930s brought about by institutional weaknesses of the Muji
HKALE 2008: ‘The ultra-militarist’s rise to power in the 1930s was
primarily due to the corruption and incompetence of political parties.’ Comment
on the validity on this statement.
HKALE 2010: How important were economic factors in leading to the rise
of militarism in 1930s?
HKALE 2012: In what ways was the downfall of party government in Japan
in 1932 a result of its internal and foreign policies?
HKCEE 2009: ‘International circumstances were primarily responsible for
Japanese aggression in the period 1931-41.’ Do you agree? Explain your answer.
1945 - 1990s Recovery of Japans’ economy after WWII
FRelative importance of the factors
HKALE 2003: ‘The defeat of Japan in 1945 was a loss that turned out to
be a gain.’ Comment on the validity of this statement with reference to the
period 1945-80.
HKALE 2009: ‘Political stability was the most important factor in
making Japan an economically powerful nation.’ Comment on the validity of this
statement with reference to period 1945-80.
HKALE 2011: Assess the importance of the Cold War relative to other
factors in leading to the recovery and growth of Japan’s economy in the period
FTrace and explain the process of recovery of
Japan’s economy after WWII
HKALE 2010: Trace and explain Japan’s economic development in the
period 1945-80.
1945 – 1990s: Japan’s foreign
policies and its impact to the world
FWhat were the factors affecting its relations with
other countries?
HKALE 2005: Discuss the factors that worked for, and the factors that
worked against the resurgence of Japan as an Asian power after the Second World
HKDSE 2014: Discuss the factors that worked for, and those that worked
against, the development of the relationship between the People’s Republic of
China and Japan in the period 1949-2000.
FTrace and explain Japan’s relations with China/
HKALE 2008: Trace and explain Japan’s relations with USA in the period