
日本史溫習重點英文版 (Study plan for Japan English Version) - DSE 歷史 history

Japan study plan

1900s-1920s Japan’s early 20th century situation: FIs it a modernized country in different aspects?
·         HKDSE 2012: To what extent was Japan modernized by the late 1920s? Explain your answer.

1930s Rise of militarism / Failure of party politics: FRelative importance of the factors
·         HKDSE Sample paper: Do you agree that militarism harmed rather than benefited Japan up to 1945? Explain your answer
·         HKDSE 2015: Why did militarism rise in Japan in the 1930s but not earlier? Justify your view.
·         HKALE 2003: Examine how Japanese militarism in the 1930s affected the course of Japanese history up to 1945.
·         HKALE 2004: To what extent was the ascendancy of militarism in Japan in the early 1930s brought about by institutional weaknesses of the Muji Constitution?
·         HKALE 2008: ‘The ultra-militarist’s rise to power in the 1930s was primarily due to the corruption and incompetence of political parties.’ Comment on the validity on this statement.
·         HKALE 2010: How important were economic factors in leading to the rise of militarism in 1930s?
·         HKALE 2012: In what ways was the downfall of party government in Japan in 1932 a result of its internal and foreign policies?
·         HKCEE 2009: ‘International circumstances were primarily responsible for Japanese aggression in the period 1931-41.’ Do you agree? Explain your answer.

Ž1945 - 1990s Recovery of Japans’ economy after WWII
FRelative importance of the factors
·         HKALE 2003: ‘The defeat of Japan in 1945 was a loss that turned out to be a gain.’ Comment on the validity of this statement with reference to the period 1945-80.
·         HKALE 2009: ‘Political stability was the most important factor in making Japan an economically powerful nation.’ Comment on the validity of this statement with reference to period 1945-80.
·         HKALE 2011: Assess the importance of the Cold War relative to other factors in leading to the recovery and growth of Japan’s economy in the period 1945-80.
FTrace and explain the process of recovery of Japan’s economy after WWII
·         HKALE 2010: Trace and explain Japan’s economic development in the period 1945-80.

1945 – 1990s: Japan’s foreign policies and its impact to the world
FWhat were the factors affecting its relations with other countries?
·         HKALE 2005: Discuss the factors that worked for, and the factors that worked against the resurgence of Japan as an Asian power after the Second World War.
·         HKDSE 2014: Discuss the factors that worked for, and those that worked against, the development of the relationship between the People’s Republic of China and Japan in the period 1949-2000.
FTrace and explain Japan’s relations with China/ U.S.A.
·         HKALE 2008: Trace and explain Japan’s relations with USA in the period 1945-80.

