DSE歷史 history – 以阿衝突
但係睇返以往出題走勢, 你真係決定ignore佢?
但係睇返以往出題走勢, 你真係決定ignore佢?
2012 ESSAY: 評估曼德拉在導致南非種族隔離政策結束一事上相對於其他因素的重要性 (Assess the
importance of Nelson Mandela relative to other factors in leading to the end of
the apartheid in South Africa.)
2014 ESSAY: 就塑造1945-2000年間阿拉伯人與以色列關係而言,討論民族主義及外來干涉兩個因素的相對重要性。(Discuss the relative importance of nationalism and foreign
intervention in shaping Arab-Israeli relation in the period 1945-2000.)
2015 ESSAY: 阿拉法特與曼特拉,誰是更偉大的領袖。(Who – Yasser Arafat
or Nelson Mandela – do you think was a greater leader? Justify your view.)
以阿衝突除左問相對重要性 (relative importance) 外,追溯並解釋都係熱門問法。
唔想睇書?唔想自己整notes? 一幅以阿衝突最後一秒鍾幫你KO E個又多野記多悶既topic!英文版遲小小會出埋!
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