
第二次大戰溫習重點英文版 (Study plan for WWII English Version)

The Second World War (1919-1945)

Highlight of study plan of the Second World War:

Œ1) The reasons of rise of totalitarianism and its characteristics
·         HKALE 2010: Compare Italy under Mussolini and the Soviet Union under Stalin as totalitarian states. ÖSoviet Union under Stalin à Germany under Hitler???????
·         HKALE 2004: Compare and contrast Stalin and Mussolini with respect to their domestic policies. Ö Stalin à Hitler???????
·         HKALE 2003: Explain why totalitarian regimes emerged in some countries in Europe like Germany and Italy, but not in others like Britain and France in the inter-war period.

2) The reasons of WWII and relative importance
·         HKDSE 2016: Was the Second World War unavoidable? Explain your view with reference to development in Europe in the period 1919-39.
·         HKALE 2008: Assess the relative importance of the major factors that contributed to the Second World War.
·         HKALE 2005: To what extent did the appeasement policy of Britain and France bring about the outbreak of the Second World War?

3) The impacts of Paris Peace Conference: The relations with WWII
·         HKDSE 2012: ‘The Paris Peace Settlement (1919-23) was meant to preserve peace; unfortunately, it became an important factor that caused another world war.’ Do you agree? Explain your answer.
·         HKDSE 2013: Do you agree that the Paris Peace Conference (1919) created more problems than it solved? Explain your view with reference to the inter-war period (1919-39)

4) The aggression / role of Germany and Italy before WWII
·         HKDSE 2014: ‘Germany was more aggressive in the 1930s than it was before the First World War.’ Comment on the validity of this statement.

5) Compare the impact of WWI and WWII: Similar and different impacts to Europe and the World / Is it a turning point to Europe / the world?
·         HKDSE 2015: In what ways was the Second World War a turning point of modern Western history? Limit your discussion up to the 1960s.
·         HKCEE 2009: Compare the First World War and Second World War in terms of their historical significance.
·         HKALE 2003: With reference to the period 1945-60, examine two important ways in which The Second World War changed Europe.

6) The effectiveness of League of Nations (LN): Is it effective in maintaining the world peace?

’7) The peaceful settlement after WWII
·         HKALE 2012: Was Germany treated less harshly after the Second World War than after the First World War? Explain your answer.

