
DSE歷史科 History 2016 試題建議答案 DBQ Q.1 英文版

【HKDSE 2016 DBQ Q.1 English Version】

(a) Describe one trend in medical development in Hong Kong as reflected in Source A. Support your answer with clues from Source A.  (2 marks)

The trend is that the Western treatment becomes more popular among the patients in Hong Kong while Chinese treatment is opposite.

 Source A indicates that the in-patients and out-patients for Western treatment increased from 36.8% and 8.73% in 1912 to 61.78% and 16.92% respectively in 1936. At the same time, the in-patients and out-patients for Chinese treatment decreased from 63.2% and 91.27% in 1912 to 38.22% and 83.08% respectively.
Since the ratio of choosing Western treatment has raised no matter in-patients or out-patients, it has become more popular.

(b) Cite one clue from Source B, and explain how the clue you cite reflects that the Kwong Wah Hospital enjoyed high social status at the time.      (2 marks)

Source B showed that some of the high social status people participated in the Kwong Wah Hospital opening ceremony in 1911 such as Sir Frederick Lugard, Governor of Hong Kong and some members of Legislative Council. Kwong Wah Hospital successfully invited them to join the ceremony indicating that Kwong Wah Hospital enjoyed high school status as well.

(c) ‘In the first half of the 20th century, Hong Kong was a city where tradition and modernity co-existed.’ Do you agree? Explain your answer with reference to Source A and B and using your own knowledge.   (8 marks)

To a large extent that I agree with the statement

Source A indicates that the ration of using Western treatment has increasing raised from 1912 to 1936, especially in-patients. At the same time, Chinese treatment is still the mainstream in the society. Therefore, in medical aspect, tradition and modernity co-existed in Hong Kong.

Source B showed that some of the people participating in the opening ceremony wear Western customs while most of other people wear Chinese clothes. In the fashion aspect, tradition and modernity co-existed in Hong Kong.

From my own knowledge, there are many modern Western-style architectures in Hong Kong such as the Flagstaff House which was built in 1846 and Murray House in Stanley which was built in 1844 to serve as a base for solders. At the same time, there are many traditional Chinese style buildings in Hong Kong such as Tin Hau Temple in Causeway Bay and Tai Fu Tai Mansion in San Tin. Therefore, architecture in Hong Kong showed that tradition and modernity

From my own knowledge, traditional ‘cooked food stalls’ were very popular in Hong Kong while there are some modern and high-class hotel restaurants such as The Peninsula Hong Kong. Also, Hong Kong people know how to use modern knife and traditional Chinese chopsticks as tool to eat. The habit of dining shows tradition and modernity co-existed in Hong Kong.

From my own knowledge, Hong Kong people not only celebrated traditional Chinese festivals such as Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival, but also celebrated some modern Western festivals such as Halloween, Easter and Christmas.

Although the above shows that tradition and modernity co-existed in Hong Kong, some of modern cultures were not popular in Hong Kong.

For example, Source A indicated that Chinese treatment is still the mainstream in Hong Kong. For out-patients, 83.08% patients preferred Chinese treatment.
Source B also showed that only very few people such as Sir Frederick Lugard wear Western customs, most of the people still wear traditional Chinese dress.

Moreover, from my own knowledge, traditional Chinese buildings were far more than Western architectures and most of Hong Kong people preferred using chopsticks to eat.
It showed that the modern Western cultures were not very popular in Hong Kong in first half of the 20th century. Therefore, in terms of the ration of coverage of traditional and western cultures, to large extent I agree with the statement. 

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