
DSE歷史科2016 試題建議答案 ESSAY Q.7

【DSE歷史科2016 試題建議答案 ESSAY Q.7】

‘Human-made disasters usually lead to new policies and developments.’ Elaborate on this statement with reference to one example of a human-made disaster from your History syllabus.

(1) 短評
·  學生應先定義何謂「人禍」(Human-made disasters),例如可定義為人為造成的問題以致國家倒退 (Problems made by human being which cause the downturn of a country)
·  小心題目的「新」(new) 字是關鍵字,若要證明是新的政策及發展,必須把新的政策與舊的政策比較證明是新。

(2) 答題格式
1) 引言: 先指出選取的「人禍」(Human-made disasters) 是什麼
2) XX方面造成什麼新的政策以及發展? (In XX aspect, it leads to new policies and developments)
3) YY方面造成什麼新的政策以及發展? (In YY aspect, it leads to new policies and developments)
4) ZZ方面造成什麼新的政策以及發展? (In ZZ aspect, it leads to new policies and developments)

(3) 本文選取毛澤東發起的文化大革命作為「人禍」並解釋如何導致新的政策及發展 (I choose cultural revolution which was caused by Mao in 1967 to 1977 as a human-made disaster to explain how it leads to new policies and developments

在經濟方面: 文化大革命造成的經濟倒退使鄧小平推行「有中國特色的社會主義」並逐步開放中國
1) 先指出為何是「人禍」 文化大革命導致中國經濟大幅倒退,例如1967年的工業產量比1966年的「文化大革命」開始前下降了15%20%

2) 指出舊的政策及發展 在鄧小平開革開放前,毛澤東實行「公有制」以及實行計劃經濟,國有企業全由國家控制,並跟隨國家的政策而生產。同時,其他人民也跟從國家的指令而實行經濟政策,例如當毛澤東在1958年提出「以鋼為綱」,隨即全民開始大煉鋼,而在文化大革命期間毛澤東則提出了「上山下鄉運動」,組織年青人民到農村發展。可見當時經濟全由國家控制,而且沒有私營及個體經濟。

3) 指出文化大革命如何導致新的政策及發展?  有鑑於文化大革命對中國造成很大的負面影響,使鄧小平明白「公有制」並不可行,同時意識到必須推行經濟改革以恢復中國經濟,實現改革開放,例如在農業上推行「農業承包制」,農民可保留向政府繳納的收成後剩餘的產物,此農民的生產積極性大增。1978-1984年間糧食總量總共增加了49%。同時,鄧小平向國有企業放權讓利,給予更多的企業自主權予國有企業,允許它們把利潤扣除稅收後留為己用。最後,鄧小平在沿海地區建立「經濟特區」,逐步開放部份沿海地區,提供優惠給外商吸引他們投資,例如稅務優惠及提供平價土地,這是中國首次對外開放經濟區並允許外國在中國投資。可見中國經濟由全「公有制」改為混合經濟體,同時具備個體經濟﹑私營經濟﹑中外合資公司以及公有經濟。而且企業及人民亦不必需服從國家的經濟政策。

Economic aspect: Economic downturn caused by Cultural revolution motivated Deng to implemented socialist market economy and ‘Opening-up’ policy
1) Indicate why it is a human-made disaster first Cultural revolution caused huge damage to industrial and agricultural production. For example, the industrial output of 1967 decreased by 15 – 20% as compared with 1966.

2) Indicate the old policy Before the ‘Opening-up policy’, China implemented ‘Public ownership economic system’ and planned economy. For example, the state-owned enterprises were controlled by the government and both of enterprises and people follow the government’s orders for production. For example, when Mao suggested ‘Taking steel production as the key link’, most of the people, including doctors, conducted large-scale steel refinement by using backyard furnaces. During Cultural revolution, Mao also initiated the ‘Up to the Mountain and Down to the Countryside’ to organize the young people to help develop in rural areas.

3) Indicate how cultural revolution leaded to new policy Since Cultural revolution caused huge damage to China’s economy, which made Deng understand ‘Public ownership economic system’ is not feasible and realize it is necessary to implement economic reforms to recover the economy. Therefore, he has implemented ‘household responsibility system’ since 1978. Peasants could remain the rest of crops after they contributed to the government. Also, he gave a certain degree of independence to the state-owned enterprises and allowed them to remain the profit after tax. Finally, he established Special Economic Zones in coastal, providing benefits to attract foreign investment such as tax reduction and lower land costs. It implied that China changed from ‘Public ownership economic system’ to mixed economy, such as collective economy, individual economy, sino-foreign joint equity enterprises. The people and enterprises also do not necessarily followed the government’s economic policies.

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答題技巧精讀補習班:  http://johnnymahistory.blogspot.hk/2012/04/hkdse.html

